Rap N' Roll

Award-winning journalist, author, broadcaster, and blogger Dalton Higgins is set to launch his sixth book, “Rap N’ Roll: Pop Culture, Darkly Stated,” on December 4th at A Different Booklist bookstore in Toronto’s Annex neighborhood. This collection of pop culture essays follows Higgins’ previous acclaimed works, including “Far From Over: The Music and Life of Drake” and “Hip Hop World.” “Rap N’ Roll” showcases Higgins’ diverse range of topics, covering music genres such as reggae, punk, and rap, as well as discussions on race, technology, Jamaican culture, and more. As a global citizen with a unique African Canadian perspective, Higgins brings forth honest discussions on race, culture, and technology that captivate his readers. The book is an engaging exploration of various subjects, including the future of rap, the state of the publishing industry, Toronto’s public transportation system (TTC), and controversial figures in music. With its thought-provoking content, “Rap N’ Roll” is available in both hardcover and softcover glossy full-color formats, making it an ideal pre-holiday gift or stocking stuffer for those interested in contemporary culture and critical thinking.