Winner of an exceptional two Gold Publisher’s Medals, AT THEIR DOORSTEP, is lush with 157 exclusive private, vintage, photographic fairground postcards from early 1900s Paris saved through carnival generations and captioned with family memories and entertaining anecdotes. Hundreds of carnival families traveled from neighborhood to neighborhood of Paris bringing street entertainment to tens of thousands of hard-working, exuberant residents thrilled to escape the drudgery and boredom of their difficult, daily lives. The fabulous shows and tents, enormous steam-driven rides, and family circuses were inexpensive, fun entertainment, but second to experiencing the newest, otherwise inaccessible 20th-century industrial inventions and novelties – the automobile and airplane ride, bright electric lighting, photography, the cinema, and much more. Wonderfully entertaining and informative, AT THEIR DOORSTEP — The Street Fairs and Carnival Folk of Paris in Stories and Photographic Postcards, the 1900s is a historical treasure and visual feast for all who love Paris, the art of the fairground, historical narrative, vintage photographs, and the revealing of hidden history.